Isle of barra single malt scotch whisky®️
The Isle of Barra Distillers Ltd story begins only as far back as 2016. Born from a desire to move home to the Outer Hebrides in the far North West of Scotland, and build something that will evoke the community spirit, our founders Katie and Michael Morrison started developing the plans for a Gin and Whisky Distillery.

An opportunity exists to invest in our next planned expansion to the Isle of Barra Distillers, our new purpose built Whisky and Gin Distillery and Visitor Centre right here on the Isle of Barra. Committed to building strong ties to the island community, our new distillery is expected to bring at least 40 jobs on the island and generate tourism both locally and further afield.
The estimated cost of the build is £8m. Once built, it is planned that the whisky distillery will produce 200,000 LPA per year (Litres Pure Alcohol) with an estimate of 1400 casks (each 200 litres) filled, with expectations that production could double with the addition an increased workforce.
Our distillery will house a one-tonne single malt installation and re-home our existing 300 litre gin still “Ada” with all necessary plans for bottling and bonded warehousing.
Along with the production facilities to produce over 500,000 bottles of single malt, our distillery will also include a visitor centre incorporating a retail area, information centre, café/bar area that will welcome families into our unique distillery story. We believe this is key to building a community environment welcoming both local residents as well as tourists. It is important to us that the local community are supportive of our venture, so that they too can join us on our journey.

Breaking the waves of the mighty Atlantic Ocean on the far western edge of Scotland, of Europe, the Isle of Barra is our home, our inspiration, our family. Distilling and bottling at
Scotland’s most westerly distillery, we create the true taste of Barra, sharing the best of our Island home with the Barra family, home and away.
There are two sides to every story and ours is no different. The Isle of Barra is our family home but for a time we were away. Fearless spirit brought us back. The desire to return
to our roots and create Scotland’s most westerly distillery. Start our own family on the edge of the Atlantic, the vast ocean that many of our courageous ancestors crossed,
often leaving everything behind.
We are the lucky ones. Many people cannot return home. That is why we started our charity foundation, to create opportunities for more
families to call Barra home. That is why we support the corncrake, an endangered bird species that returns to Barra every summer to nest and start their own families.
That is why we celebrate home. Creating the true taste Barra, sharing the best of our island, home and away, with family to the fore. There are two sides to the Isle of Barra
Distillers story, with the wild Atlantic to the west, the tranquil Sound of Barra to the east.
Our home. Our inspiration.
Our family.
Island born, fearless spirit.

Our home, our community
Our goal is to open the Isle of Barra Whisky Distillers Foundation for the sole purpose of giving back to the Island of Barra.
Each year we will look to donate 1% of the total net profits back to the local community.
We will present our shareholders with different needs that have been put forward and a vote will take place for the project(s) most needed for the Island, this could be anything from a new play park for the youth or a facility for the elderly.
Our long-term goal is by year 13 or once our 10YO malt is released, we will be in a position to help build six affordable homes for the foundation to sell at cost price to young families to help ease the housing issue on the Island of Barra.


Barra Whisky
Our single malt will be one that has our island home in its core. Distilled on the edge of the Atlantic and matured with the salt in the air, our Barra single malt will capture the essence of our unique home in each bottle.
The timing of the investment coincides with the recently announced enhanced super deduction capital allowances of 130% on qualifying plant and machinery, for the 2 years ending 31st March 2023 and 3% capital allowances on the qualifying building.
This is a generational enterprise & as the years go by, the people and the island are ones to benefit, put simply, we want to create something that the Island will be proud of and a destination that people will want to visit.
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An investment in Isle of Barra Distillers Limited entails a high degree of risk and is illiquid, long term and speculative.
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Investors who are considering making an investment in Isle of Barra Distillers Limited should carefully review the above risks and evaluate these with their financial tax and legal advisers before subscribing.
Barra Atlantic Gin

The adventurous spirit of Barra people inspires our unique gin. Our main botanical, carrageen seaweed, is collected wild on the shores of the Isle of Barra. We want to create something that not only we can be proud of but that the wider Barra community can be proud of, giving back to our thriving island home.

Our award-winning Barra Atlantic Gin is now available in Waitrose & Partners branches across the UK. Our Island Spirit from the Outer Hebrides has been chosen for distribution by a UK-wide supermarket. Check our stockist map for your local Waitrose & share the taste of Barra.